This is the right way to do it! If you’re wondering how to remove your old silicone grout and replace it with new, we have the answer.
We’ll show you step by step how to spruce up your bathroom grout.
This is the right way to do it! If you’re wondering how to remove your old silicone grout and replace it with new, we have the answer.
We’ll show you step by step how to spruce up your bathroom grout.
Silicone joints in the bathroom become porous and leaky over time. Replacing the silicone joints is important to prevent water from getting behind the tiles and mold from forming. This way, you can preserve the fabric of your bathroom and save yourself from subsequent problems. That’s why we recommend that you renew your silicone grout every one to two years.
Most people do not know how to remove and renew a silicone joint. But it’s not that difficult! In our video tutorial, we show you step by step how to do it right.
With the following material you are well-equipped to do it yourself:
Material needed:
First we remove the old silicone joint. For the rough stuff, we use a cutter knife. The stubborn remains are then removed with the blade scraper. In this way, we prevent the surrounding surfaces from being damaged.
Material needed:
After we have completely removed the silicone joint, we clean the joint. The coarsest is removed with the duster. Then we use the kitchen roll to prepare the surface perfectly. BUT CAUTION: The old silicone must not go down the drain. With a spatula or a shovel, the remains can easily be thrown away in the manure bag. Bye, bye!
Material needed:
Before we pull the silicone joints, we need to determine the correct size. For this we take the puller and hold it to the joint. The width of the silicone joint should be slightly larger than the width of the gap to be filled. Once this is done, it’s time to get down to business. Take the silicone cartridge and cut the top off the head with a cutter knife. CAUTION: Always cut away from the body to reduce the risk of injury. Next, untwist the tip and remove the top with the cutter knife. Using a slight bevel will make application even easier. The cartridge goes into the silicone cartridge press and you’re ready to go. Hold the silicone cartridge with the slanted tip towards the joint (or the respective surface) and apply the silicone at an even speed. The rule here is: better too much than too little. The excess material is then removed when you peel it off.
Material needed:
We recommend that you renew your silicone grout every 1-2 years. With proper care (keeping dry & proper cleaning), you should renew your silicone grout LATEST every 5-8 years.
Renewing silicone joints is important because they become porous and leaky over time. If water gets behind the shower or bath tub or tiles, moisture will form there. Mold growth is also possible.
For the perfect, smooth silicone joint, you need four things: a squeegee, a small container, smoothing agent and your index finger. First of all, pour the smoothing agent into the small container. Then wet the squeegee in it and smooth the silicone with it. For the finishing touch, take your index finger and wet it with the smoothing agent. Then go over the silicone joint again (with constant pressure and without pressing). Done!
If you notice that your silicone joint is cracked or has mold stains, it is important to do something about it as soon as possible. We renew silicone joints in showers and bathtubs quickly, cleanly and reliably.
The advantages
The best tips and tricks on how to prevent and remove mold.